Divorce is always difficult, even if the partners have managed to rectify their emotional differences and decided that marriage isn’t right for them. Time heals nearly all wounds, and people who get divorced often find themselves back on their feet before long. But marriage has a somewhat permanent aspect even after divorce if the partners are also parents.
Family law in Pennsylvania aids parents and children when it is difficult to determine who should have physical or legal custody of the kids. Physical custody has more to do with where a child lives, while legal custody deals with how a child’s care and upbringing are managed. The goal of family courts is to determine the best interests of the child in question.
These best interests are determined in the Keystone State through consideration of a lot of different factors. Safety is always the priority while existing relationships with each parent and the child’s best chances at happiness matter as well. Parents are encouraged to work out their differences and draft an agreement that shares or surrenders rights toward kids.
States across the country use the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act, so child custody issues are handled and enforced the same way across all courts. This lowers a lot of the unpredictability in the process.
Parents looking to work out their rights and responsibilities toward children may seek legal representation for appearances in or petitions to family court. An attorney can answer a lot of the questions that surround child custody issues and support a parent’s interests in court.